Time Warp is a song composed by Richard O’Brien and Richard Hartley. Watch the music teacher at McMusic Lessons & Performances perform the song with a student. The music instructor uses two BOSS RC-300 loop stations, a Line 6 Helix guitar processor pedal, and an Alesis SR16 drum machine to recreate actual performance scenarios for the intermediate and more advanced students. Instead of simply playing with a jam track, students learn exponentially more by piecing everything together musically. Click the video below to watch the music instructor and a student practice a performance of Time Warp.
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McMusic Lessons & Performances provides music lessons for children and adults on the guitar, bass guitar, ukulele, and piano with strong foundations in music theory and compositional techniques. Music lessons are conducted at home, in studio, or online. Rates are charged on a pay-as-you-go basis with options to prepay for discounts. Rates range from $45-$30 a lesson with qualifying enrollment. Click the image above to learn more. Schedule a phone or video conference with the music teachers to discuss your musical goals and availability before purchase. Begin learning how to play your favorite songs by ear, read music, and understand the theory behind it all at McMusic Lessons & Performances.